You have taken away the shades of my dream
All I think about is you.
Whenever that we are together
It seems to me that it’s just our first day
That we are meeting ,
You make me to fall in love over and over again
The feeling is so great
And I can’t lie about it.
I never believed that I could be loved like this
I never believed that I can love like this
All I can say is this,
Keep on loving me the way you do
While I will also keep on loving you
Together we would build a great city of love.
The feeling of love that you left in me is so strong
It can never be quantified
Since I was born,
I have never been loved like this before
Thank for making to witness true love
And it will live with me till I die.
You have taken over my heart
You have spiced up my life
Believe me,
Your love is just like sweet and sugar
You gave me the real taste of love
And it entered every part of my life.
2. Never Doubt My Love For You
I want to make you feel so happy
To the point where you can’t stop smiling
And I want to make you feel really loved
So that you don’t doubt anything
for a second.
And as I keep on learning more about you,
I want to prove to you how incredible you are.
Never will I hurt you
All I always want is your happiness and super
lovely smile.
I want the world to know how much
I love you.
I can’t and I don’t want to let you go
Please forgive me for everything I have done to you
I have come back to my senses
Never will I hurt you again.
You are highly incredible
Seen, tested and proven beyond
reasonable doubt.
I love you so much and I can’t let go
of you.
You may be wondering why I am suddenly
sounding like this,
Just because you make me feel on top of the world.
3. My Love For You is Real
My love for you is real
Please express your love fully to me
I don’t believe in hidden love
Because the power of love is so strong
If you truly love me
Show your love to me
No need of hiding the feelings
Because definitely, it will show.
I’m truly in love with you
It’s real and I can never lie about it
It is is radiating all over me
I have sleepless nights because of you
Those smile and laughter of yours
Always melts my heart
Am ready to love you forever
Please don’t hide your love for me.
Express the love which you have for me
Put it in action for the world to see
Stop hiding it inside you for long
Show me the passion
That I always love to see
You are irreplaceable in my life
No matter the flaws that you carry
I will never stop loving you.
4. My Love is Here to Stay
Because of the love I have for you
I have made a promise to myself
I have taken it as a task
To always love you as much as I can
Hurting you is now a taboo for me
Pleasing you is all I care for
I have come to understand
That our love is real and will be forever
Never will I hurt
The heart that loves me dearly
If there is anyway I have offended you in the past
Do find a place in your heart to forgive me
All these years you have shown me true love
And I will surely reciprocate even more than you
You have made me a happy person
And never will I make you sad again.
I love you so much and I am 100% sure of it.
5. Am All Yours
Falling in love with you took me by surprise
How you suddenly colonized my life
I cannot explain
Each time I see you
My sorrows and pains leaves me
I am fully convinced that you are the love
of my life.
I am ready to go to jail just for you
I am ready to express for you for the whole world
To see
You type is rare to come by
It’s something I must acknowledge
I’m lucky having you in my life
And am all your and yours alone.
6. Why I love
Several qualities you got
That makes me keep falling for you
You are kindhearted
You are considerate
You are not boastful
You always admit your faults
You don’t count my errors
You corrects me in a gentle manner
You understands my mood
You are always willing to offer a helping hand
You always admit your faults
You apologize when necessary
Your love is real and undiluted
And I love you so much for all these.
Loves Poems For Long Distance
100 Sweetest Love Messages for Him or Her