Employee Verification – The word verification has been viewed and applied in many different areas of endeavour by many corporate organizations. Some viewed it as a process of ascertaining the reliability of information through background check and due diligence, while others see it as a way of validating information through confirmation processes.
Whichever way it is looked at, Staff verification has grown to become the foundation stone of many corporate organizations whose vision is to exist and operate for the foreseeable future.
Every company should carry out verification exercise, if it wants to remain strong and reliable in the mind of its clients because of the assurance such exercise echoes in them.
This exercise must involve background check on the staff and due diligence.
All the vital subjects in the recruitment and guarantors form must be thoroughly checked and filtered in order to make it reliable information.
In Nigeria for instance, a lot of companies faces a lot of challenges and huge losses emanating from crimes perpetrated by their respective employees. This is due to the fact that most of the employees supplied wrong information making it difficult to be traced when crimes are being committed by those employees. The information supplied by an employee should not be relied on until verified.
Who needs Employee Verification?
Irrespective of your staff strength, you should not underestimate the power of verification. The journey is worth embarking on to avoid a lot of pitfalls. This is on the ground that you don’t know whom you are employing but rather only his or her Curriculum Vitae. At times, the information in the CV may not be accurate and therefore needs to be filtered.
What to check in Staff Verification
The subjects worth checking include;
1. The residential addresses
2. Phone Numbers
3. Contact in Case of Emergency
4. Next of Kin addresses
5. Previous work addresses
6. Guarantor’s residential and office addresses.
Also, effort must be made to identify the true identity in the passport and the name stated in the guarantors form by meeting the guarantor one on one, asking relevant questions. This check on the guarantor will be a guide against impersonation and fake identities.
Importance of Employee Verification
Why Verifying of staff and guarantors is a MUST.
Scenarios abound where;
An unverified staff on a 3-day relief duty connived with the guarantor and made a way with the valuables in the warehouse. A truly verified staff has nowhere to run to, he must be caught in as much as the company is willing to invest in the search of the staff in question.
In cases of eventualities like death, accident etc, it is only the guidance of the staff with reliable Information in his file will be contacted.
Any company known for their quality work on background check will always be ahead of their contemporaries. This is because old and existing
staff spread the good news of how thorough and rigorous the company is on the verification exercise of the staff as such client keeps calling for additional new deals.
In any investigation by any law enforcement agent like Police, the first thing they will ask is the staff’s primary recruitment and guarantors information and failure to provide the document, implies that you should accept any liability position put forth by your client for the singular purpose of employing a staff without any information on them.
Who carries out Staff Verification for Companies?
Employee Verification can be conducted by a company if it has an established department to handle such. Otherwise, you can employ the services of a specialist through outsourcing. It is worthy to note that there has been a lot of companies established specifically for Staff verification of companies that needs it.
Conclusion and Recommendation on Employee Verification
Every company should take it upon themselves to ensure accurate employee Verification. Proper verification of staff will save the company from unnecessary embarrassment and unplanned expenditure. Every verified staff of a company will be aware that he or she maybe unable to escape in case of any misconduct. The reputation of a company also matters because too much reoccurrence of misconduct which can not be properly traced will be a damage to a company’s reputation.
Without mincing words, I bet you if all the ideas put forth in this article are practically applied in our daily work schedules, it is an assurance on you today that issues of theft will be far from your company except minor case of negligence of duty which also minimizes subject to the staff accumulated experience.
At this juncture, I want to leave you with a full confidence of a successful outcome of your various operations accruing from the total adherence of the aforementioned wherewithal.
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