Letter to My Sister from Another Mother – Have you gotten that friend that makes you feel the best way that you want to feel? Then, it’s time to let such a person know how she has touched your life in a positive way. Some friends are irreplaceable, they make you believe that you really have something connected with them. Yes, they equally make you feel that you are blood related. A sister from another mother is that special female friend who goes beyond just a friend to someone that has become a part of you. Not all friends cares about how you feel, some are in your life just because of what they can benefit from you while others genuinely loves and cares for you.
Appreciation solidifies relationships. When to send a letter to my sister from another mother? You can do this anytime that you are you are touched to do so. When it is her birthday, send happy birthday letter to a sister from another mother to her. Send your wishes and messages to her. Pray for her happiness, good health and open doors.
Here, you will find;
- Letter to my Sister from Another Mother
- Happy Birthday Letter to my sister from another mother
Letter to my Sister from Another Mother
1. You are a Blessing to my Life
Dear Sister and Friend,
I just want to let you know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. At times I wonder why you keep on treating me so special despite my shortcomings. You made me to believe that real friends still exists. Our relationship is among the things that has brought so much joy and happiness to my life. Looking at you, I strongly believe that you are not just my friend, but my sister from another mother. I want to let you know that our friendship will last till a lifetime. Thanks so much for all that you do for me. You are indeed, a blessing to my life.
2. My friend, my World
Dear Friend turned Sister,
It feels so good letting you know that you are now my friend turned sister. You are incomparable. I have now been so attached to you that I think about you at a times. I’m crazy you may think? No, it’s just because I have not come across someone as unique as you are before. Do you know why I keep staring at you anytime that we are together? It’s just because I keep wondering how you are able to be coping with my “craziness” at all times. I’m so happy because you’ve made me to see the real version of myself. You are a friend in need and also a friend indeed. Thanks so much for all that you do for me, you are my friend and my world.
3. Thanks So Much for spicing Up my Life
My Sweet Friend,
There are lots of things that you do that keeps on making me to come closer to you. You truly understand my every mood and knows how to put me in a correct mood when I’m not. You have made me a happy person. At times when I see your call, I wonder how you knows that I really needed someone to talk to at that particular time. This is to let you know that there is a special bond between us. Since the day that we became friends, you have given me so many reasons to live and be happy. How you always provides a shoulder for me to lean on makes me to believe that “you are an Angel in human form”. Thanks so much for spicing up my life, I love you so much my friend/sister.
4. You are an Indispensable Part of Me
Hello Buddy,
At times, when we have a little misunderstanding, I keep on smiling at myself because I believe that we are only joking. This is because I believe that we are not only friends but sisters for life. I see no difference between you and my biological sisters. In short, you are a part of my family. Everyone around me knows that I can’t go a day without talking about you, this is not infatuation but it is the significance of what you mean to my life. Everything in this life can change, but nothing can change the way that I feel about you. You have occupied a special place in my life that no one else can ever take. You are an indispensable part of me that’s why I will always hold you in high esteem.
Happy Birthday Letter to My Sister from Another Mother
1. Wishing You The Best of Birthday Celebration
Dear Friend turned Sister,
One thing that I can’t forget in a hurry is your birth date. When I woke up this morning and saw how bright everywhere was, I immediately realized that it was because a special human was born today. You deserves to be celebrated not only today but at all times. Your birthday celebration today will be as sweet as you are. All the things that your heart desires, you will surely get. May nothing ever come to steal your joy on this day, wishing you the best of birthday celebration.
2. Happy Birthday to My one in a million friend
Hope you know that friends like you are rare to come by that’s why I will always hold you close to my heart. On this day of your birthday celebration, I wish you nothing but unending joy and happiness. All your aspirations will come to fulfilment as you add another year today. Your light will keep on burning and will never be quenched by any. Thanks so much for being that special friend whom I can always count on at any time. Happy Birthday to my one in a million friend.
3. I celebrate You Today
Dearest Sister and Friend,
The world is lucky to be blessed with an amazing soul like you. I am the luckiest for having you in my life as friend. Today is a special day because it marks the day that unique and special creature was born. I wish everyone can have a special friend like you. You are highly accommodating, free-spirited and the aura of your goodness radiates all over you. May you continue to shine as bright as the morning Sun. I celebrate You Today my Dearest Sister and Friend. Happy birthday to you.
4. My wishes for you as you add another year
My Dear Friend,
I’m happy to be associated with you because you are beautiful both in and out. For being the best friend that I can ever think of, my wishes for you today is that the good Lord will keep on perfecting everything that concerns you. All that you have not been able to achieve in your previous years, you will surely achieve in this your new age. You will be sound in health. May joy and happiness never depart from you. Happy Birthday to You My Wonderful friend.
No matter the distance existing between you and your sister from another mother, you need to remind her that you still thinks and cares about her. Sending her this letter to sister from another mother is a sure way to prove that.
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