Things I Love About You – No matter how much you try to suppress the feelings of love that you have for someone, it will get to a level that you can’t hide it anymore. There is nothing wrong in expressing the feelings of love that you have for someone through words. Love grows like a tree, there are essential ingredients that will help it to flourish. Constantly reminding that your boyfriend or girlfriend of your undying love for him or her is a sure way of sealing the love existing between the both of you.
Don’t assume that your girlfriend or boyfriend will always know what you have in mind, sending a love letter or messages about the reasons why I love you to him or her will clarify any doubt that he or she may have about your relationship. When you want say the things that you love about him or her, try to be real and don’t frame up things to entice him or her. This will help the person to know what you find amazing in him or her and the areas to work on.
Things I Love About You -Letter
1. I love the way you make me feel
I may be stingy with my words if I fail to let you know that I love the way you make me feel. Ever since I came in contact with you, believe it when I tell you that you have changed the whole of me. Just thinking about you makes me feel whole. A glimpse of your face calms my troubled mind. Talking to you takes me to the highest realm of love that I always like to be. As long as I live, you will always be the love that I know and see. I’m writing all these for you because I can’t continue hiding these feelings any longer.
2. I love your sweet voice
I don’t think that I have let you know that your voice is all that I feel like hearing each and every passing moment. It sounds like an Angelic voice and sends goosebumps to my skin each time I hear you speak. I know you maybe surprise to receive my calls at times when I don’t have anything serious to talk about. You may not know, but have it in mind that your voice is a healer to my mind when it is troubled. I’m blessed to be in love with someone like you. I strongly believe that there is something unique about this your voice.
3. I love the way you call me “mine”
Thanks so much for making me to know what it feels to be truly loved. Making me to feel safe being in love with you is something that I can never take for granted. One of the proudest moments of my life is when I hear you call me “mine”. It makes me to believe that I’m completely loved by you. It reminds me that someone has fully accepted me the way that I am. My prayer everyday is that may nothing quench the light of love that we have for each. Just the way you have taken me as yours, I have taken you as mine too. I truly love you.
4. I love you because you are so intelligent
When I was asking God for a friend, I asked Him to bless me with a friend that I will be proud of. I’m glad because I was blessed with an outstanding being like you. The way you handles Issues proved to me that you are more than what I asked for. Your suggestions and advice to me that have made me to achieve a lot of things shows that you are a rare gem. You are incomparable and irreplaceable in my world. I love you because you are a problem solver. I love you more than you can ever imagine because you are so intelligent.
5. You’re so beautiful/handsome
I have travelled far and near, but I haven’t seen anyone more beautiful/handsome like you. Don’t feel embarrassed anytime you see me starring uncontrollably at you. Have it in mind that I’m just wondering how only one person could be so endowed. From your head to your toes, you remains spotless. Your set of sparkling teeth with a good dentition, I can’t stop admiring. Your stature is one of its kind. I can’t doubt the fact that you were created on a special day. I always feel proud walking besides you because it boosts my ego. You’re so beautiful/ handsome and I love it that way.
6. I like you because you are highly accommodating
I have so many friends, but I want to let you know that you are my special friend and no one can ever take your place in my life. Your accommodating nature is one thing that makes you stand out from the rest of the friends that I have. I can’t count the number of times that I have offended you and you still find a place in your heart to forgive me. You know all my flaws but have never used it against me. The way you try as much as possible to make me a better person surprises me. You are an Angel in human form that’s why I will always bless the day I met you.
7. You brought me closer to God
I will never forget the everlasting impact you created in my life. Due to the bad company that I kept, I was influenced to follow the bad ways that made me to deviate from the teachings and ways of God. I saw myself swimming in the ocean of sin with no one in sight to rescue me. My meeting you happened miraculously because I strongly believe that it happened when I urgently needed it. I was heading to a destination that would have been too difficult for me to come out from which would have had a lasting negative impact on my life. You accepted me the way that I am and gradually showed me the right path again. My heart is now at peace just because of your presence in my life. I will always love you because you brought me closer to God.
8. You don’t settle for less
You have motivated me to work harder in order to achieve greater things. Your presence in my life have made me to achieve a lot of things. I can’t forget this your frequent saying that ” let the sky be your limit”. No wonder, you keep on achieving new things each and every passing day, and yet, you’ve not stopped working harder. I’m proud of having an industrious friend like. I love you so much because you don’t settle for less.
9. I love your fashion sense
You’ve really inspired me with your great fashion sense. When I look at you, I feel proud because I love walking beside an elegantly dressed lady/man. Your choice of color combination and matching accessories makes me not to take my eyes away easily from you. You are not only my role model in fashion, but to many I believe. I love you so much because you are a fashion icon.
10. You make me smile
I love you so much because you brought so much joy and happiness into my life. You chased away every trace of unhappiness that resided within me with the aura of your smile. Just a glance at your ever smiling face transforms my unhappy mood. You may not know what you have impacted in my life, but I want you to know that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Things I Love About You Messages
1. I love your jovial nature.
2. You’re highly ambitious.
3. I love you because your love conquers my bad thoughts all the time.
4. There is no dull moment with you.
5. You’re a combination of beauty and brain.
6. You love me in my worst and best condition.
7. You’re smart and elegant.
8. You always offer lending ears to my problems and offers solution to them.
9. I love the way you call me sweet names.
10. I love your forgiving spirit.
Things I Love About You will guide you with the right words when you want to appreciate that your girlfriend or boyfriend by outlining his or her qualities. It is not easy to come by a friend whom your heart truly welcomes. Therefore, make use of every opportunity to let your friend know how amazing he or she is.
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