To be loved is a great blessing, therefore, do not intentionally hurt the person who truly loves you. Relationships may not always be rosy, but the ability to resolve issues amicably will keep it going. When you have a fight with your boyfriend, these lovely Long emotional message to boyfriend maybe all you need to get things working right between the both of you again. Do not allow the sweet moments that you shared together with your boyfriend to disappear in thin air because you were not able to settle issues amicably arising between the both of you.
Let him know how unhappy you feel since the day you had the misunderstanding with him, you may not always be the person at fault but you may choose to send message to your boyfriend after fight because you still believe that he is someone that you don’t want to lose.
Here, you will find;
1. Long Emotional Message to Boyfriend After Fight
2. Heartfelt Text to Boyfriend After Fight
3. Long Distance Message to Boyfriend After Fight
Long Emotional Messages to Boyfriend After Fight
1. Babe, I know a lot has changed between us after we had that fight. I missed those lovely moments that we shared together. You were my everything and we were deeply in love before this issue came up. It is not easy on my side and I’m losing my mind right away. You are irreplaceable in my world and I want us to forgive each other so that we will continue to enjoy the lovely relationship that we once had. I love you so much, please, don’t say no to my request.
2. I’m still thankful that I met someone like you even though we are not like we used to be. The love that I have for you is unbeatable. I never thought that one day, issues that we keep us far away from each other can arise between us. I still want to be seeing that your handsome face around me again. Let’s get things right. I still love you and know that it is coming from the deepest part of my heart.
3. No matter the fight that we had, loving you has become a must for me, it is no longer a choice or option. My love for you will keep on waxing stronger even if we had a misunderstanding. Since our friendship, I haven’t spent a moment without thinking about you. I love you with all that is in me. I still want to spend all my time with only you.
4. No matter how far we are from each other, my love for you will never change. No matter what may come in between us, I will always find a place in my heart to forgive you. Even though we fight sometimes, I will still choose you over and over again as the love of my life.
5. My King, I love you so much that I can’t imagine how my life would be without you being a part of it. I miss those special moments, the jokes we had, I missed everything we did together. You are everything that I need and would ever need in a man. I have surrendered my whole heart to you, and no matter what, I will never take it back again. You are my pride and my priceless jewel, please come back to me.
6. Have it in mind that although we always fight, I still love you a lot. The more you hurt me, the more I find more reasons to love you more; I don’t know why it is like this. I miss you and I love you, I can’t pretend like I don’t care. I’m not perfect, but my love for you is real, I will appreciate if you will learn how to love and care for my feelings more.
7. I strongly believe that the love bond between us will never end like this, you are my inspiration, treasure of inestimable value, my King and my incomparable boyfriend. You have made me to fall in love over and over again and nothing will stop me from loving you.
8. Since I was born, I have never loved someone like I love you. Loving you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Every relationship has its ups and downs. Partners fight and make up, that is to show that they have an unbeatable love for each other. Please, let’s give each other the chance to make things better.
9. My Boo, I strongly believe that nothing can ever separate us. I enjoy seeing you laugh and smile on me. I feel like crying knowing that I am the cause of the misunderstanding that we had few days ago. I’m sorry for causing you so much pains. Please, forgive me and let’s settle and not breakup. I’m glad that God blessed me with a good hearted person like you. I love you and I can’t afford to loose you.
10. Honey, God has blessed me with so many things but the most amazing blessing is you. The love and care that you have shown to me all these years we have been together is incomparable. Should we allow the light of love burning between us to disappear in a twinkle of an eye because of that fight? I will love you with my last breath if loving you is wrong. Let’s reinvigorate the light of love burning between us please.
Heartfelt Text to Boyfriend After Breakup
11. Baby, ever since you came into my life, my heart has been filled with unquantifiable love, you have shown me great love and also taught me what true love is. I won’t allow the minor issue that we had yesterday to tear us apart. Please, turn back your eyes on me because you are the love that I know and the love that I will never stop knowing.
12. I’m sorry for saying things that angered you and later led to that fight. It wasn’t intentional but I’m sorry for crossing my boundary. I can’t imagine how my life will be without you because you’ve taught me a lot. Ever since I met you, you are always there for me when I need you. I love you unconditionally and nothing can ever change the love that I have for you.
13. My love, no matter how many times we quarrel, I strongly believe that we settle every issue amicably. Please, stop ignoring my messages because it is weakening me. Let it be known to you that you are still the only boyfriend that I have and I want to love you forever.
14. Sorry Babe, I’m a jealous lover, I love with every bit of me. I get jealous when I see another girl talking to that was what led to my outburst yesterday. I pretend like I don’t care about you sometimes, while I’m hurting inside. The reason why I easily get jealous is because I love you and I don’t want to loose you to another girl.
15. I really appreciate you in my life with all my heart. Your love means the world to me. I will never give up on you because you make me feel happy at all times. I truly do value our relationship despite the fight that we had and most importantly, I value the love that I have for you.
16. Dearie, I know sometimes you may think that I’m mad because I stress over little things, the issue is that I want you for myself and I want you to be only mine. Please, do not be angry with me over the misunderstanding that we had yesterday.
17. I might be angry with you now but I can’t ignore the fact that I miss you still love you. My heart belongs to you and you are the love of my life. I really love you and I will keep on loving you till my eyelids close. Please, find a place in your heart to forgive me.
18. I know loving me sometimes seems difficult for you because of the pains that I have caused you. Have it in mind that it is the love that I have for you that is pushing to be doing all these things. I love you and I will never get tired of loving you. Please, find a place in your heart to love me again.
19. I need you to know that I’m not giving up on us. We might get mad at each for small things but we will try to make things up. I want us to try as much as possible to keep our promise for each other, let’s still forge ahead to make our love story a reality.
20. Sweetest, I have been through a lot because I’m thinking about the right words to use and apologize to you. Please, take care of my heart before it’s too late. You are the love of my life and I don’t want to loose you, please, hold my hands with your warm hands.
Long Distance Message for Boyfriend After Fight
21. I have never been afraid to loose someone in my life the way I’m afraid to lose you. My love for you will never be shaken even by long distance or the fight we had. When I say love you, know that there are thousands of reasons why I’m saying so. There are thousands of people in this world, I see no one perfect for me except you. You have given me a reason to live and be happy. May we always find a place in our hearts to forgive one another.
22. I want you to know that losing you will be like losing myself. Don’t give me a bad feeling forever because your absence in my life will hurt me so much. Even if you are not around me, please, close your eyes and imagine the face of the girl that you once loved. I’m sorry for picking up a fight with you. Please, accept me back as the love of your life.
23. Dearest, I have not been able to sleep since we had that heated argument, your silence towards me is driving me crazy. I’m not able to focus on anything I’m doing again. Please, I’m sorry for raising that issue. Forgive me before my heart breaks into pieces.
24. I mean it Babe, you are the only thing that makes sense in my life. Please, don’t take my love for you for granted. I wish to be where you are right now to explain things better to you. I was just trying to tease you during our call last night. Please forgive me, I still love you with my whole heart.
25. No amount of words can be able to express how sorry I am for breaking your heart. I will never repeat such ugly attitude that I displayed yesterday during our conversation again. I wish you can give me another chance to prove my love for you.
26. If I can turn back the hands of the clock, I will still like to withdraw the words that I uttered during our conversation yesterday, you may be far away from me, but you can never be far away from my heart. I love you and I want to love you till eternity.
27. Baby, I really wish that our relationship last because there is no one out there for me except you. Don’t think I’m taking your love for me for granted. You still matters a lot to me. I love you even when you are not close to me.
28. Nothing hurts me more than not hearing your voice for awhile. I’m longing to hear your sweet voice, please, pick your call and speak to me. I’m sorry for hurting you. You are still the love that I know and see.
29. Having you as a part of my life is one of my biggest achievements. Losing you in my life will be a big blow to me. I want to spend the rest of my life loving only you.
30. The love that I have for you can move Mountains. No matter the fight we had, my heart is still where you are. I’m looking forward to seeing you just to express my regrets for picking up a fight with you. I love you now and forever.
Don’t be the reason why your boyfriend will be unhappy for so long, always use long message to boyfriend after fight to calm him down.
Also Read; Long Love Paragraphs for Him Copy and Paste to Make Him Smile
I’m Sorry Paragraphs for Him – Apology Paragraphs for Hurting Boyfriend