Love is a great feeling that needs to be expressed. When you find that person whom your heart truly welcomes, don’t waste time letting such a person know how you feel about Him or Her. Long toasting messages for her is specially written for you to send across to that girl whom your heart is longing to be with. Be careful with your choice of words and know the toasting message that will make her fall in love with you.
How do you write toasting messages for her?
Toasting a girl is not as easy as it may look, it requires the usage of the right words. You need to prove to her that you are not coming just like “another man”. Address her the way that will touch her heart. Let her know what got you attracted to her and how ready you are to love her the right way that she will want to be loved. Don’t always expect a “yes” for an answer, you can try again if your first request is not accepted. In all, do not be rude to her because she may sometimes feel indifferent about your feelings for her. It may also be that she is already in love with someone else.
Here, you will find;
Long Toasting Messages for Her to make her smile
Romantic Toasting Texts for Her
Deep Toasting Messages for Her
Long Toasting Messages for Her to Make Her Smile
1. Baby, I have fallen in love with you with my eyes and with my heart. This is not the case of love at first sight but a true love which am promising you is here to stay. Your beauty got me attracted to you before I equally observed that you are intellectually sound. Surrender your whole heart to me and I want to assure you that you will never regret doing that for a second. I love you from the bottom of my heart.
2. Since I was born, I have never come across a girl as charming as you are. Your smile melts my heart, your laughter is all I want to be hearing around me for the rest of my life. I don’t want to promise you heaven and earth if you accept me in your life, rather, have it in mind that I will take you to a world that you never imagined is existing. The world where happiness and joy is the order of the day is where we will live in forever. I will take care of you in such a way that no one else can. Please, accept me to be the love of your life forever.
3. Angel, I’m not coming to you like just another man. I’m coming to your life to stay and never will I go away. Your love have touched my life in a way that I can’t imagine. I want us to be together and inseparable forever. Accepting me in your life I promise will be the best decision that you have ever made in your life. I will love you even with the change in time and season. I pray you love me just the way that I love you.
4. I have come across several girls, but there is something unique about you that got me attracted to you. You have a great charisma that’s a rare attribute which I admire so much. You are beautiful both in and out. If you accept me to be the love of your life, I will be with you in thin and in thick. I will always provide a shoulder for you to lean on. I love you and I hope you understand the way that I feel about you.
5. Dearest, you are the one that I have been looking for. Just a glimpse at your pretty face proved that to me. I want you to be my better half, I want to sleep in your arms and wake up in your arms. My love for you will continue to grow from strength to strength. I’m promising you of my undying love and I will never intentionally do anything to hurt your feelings. Please, be mine forever.
6. You are the sweetest surprise that I have encountered in my life. Everything about you is unique and I can boldly say that you are an Angel in human form. I’m glad that my prayer about finding the right soulmate have been answered just because I met you. All I want is for you to be my girlfriend forever. I’m well convinced that my heart belongs to you.
7. I don’t need to worry again because I love everything about you. Don’t bother asking how I was able to know all these because what you are is written all over you. Promise to give me your heart and I will never take your love for me for granted. I know my mind is telling me the Truth, please, give me the chance to prove my love for you.
8. Do you know why I want you to be in my life forever? Seeing you makes me feel the best way that I want to feel. Your presence drives away my pains and my worries. Your charming face and smile is a definition of true love. The feelings of love that I have for you can move mountains. Please, take my hands why I walk you around my paradise of love.
9. Sweetie, there is no doubt that you have chained my heart with your love. I have been dreaming about you since the day I came in contact with you. I have already envisaged how my relationship with you will look like and I’m well convinced that we will be a perfect match for each other. My life Will be incomplete without you. I will do all that it will take to make you feel happy and comfortable at all times. Let me be the only man that you will love forever.
10. Having you in my life is a blessing that I will never trade for silver or gold. Loving you will be a light that will radiate daily in my heart. You’re the love that I have been searching for ages and I’m glad I found you on time. You have captivated every bit of me and I want you to be a part of my life forever.
Romantic Toasting Texts for Her
11. Since the day that I met you, I dream about you and I hope maybe one day, my dreams about you will come true. One of the reasons why I love you is because I see my self smiling anytime I think about you. You are indeed, an embodiment of beauty with great brains. I will like us to be an indivisible item forever and ever.
12. If I should chose between loving you and breathing, I will use my last breath to say I love you Baby. I will always love you until my heart stops beating. Your type is rare to come by and that’s why I promised myself that I will never let go of you. Don’t say not to me, unless you want me to stop existing.
13. Never ask why I love you, just accept that I do because words simply can’t tell how much I love you. I believe you are simply special that’s why I find you so charming. Give me the chance for us to walk together in love till eternity.
14. Baby, I want you to know how much you mean to me. I truly love and appreciate you. Since I met you, I’ve never wanted you to leave my side. I love how you keep me smiling and blushing everytime. Please, accept my love and I promise you that I won’t put anyone above you because you are everything that I need.
15. I think about you no matter what I do, I don’t love you for what you have, I love you for what you are. Even if we are young, we can still have a healthy relationship between us. I love you wholeheartedly and I hope you feel the same way.
16. I have chosen you to be the one that I will love at all times, please, stay with me until we grow old. Never will I give up on loving you. I will care so much for the love that is existing between us until it matures and grows to a stage that no one can destroy. I love you and I will care for you till eternity if you accept me to be a part of your life.
17. Babe, I promise you that if you ever give me a chance to prove my love for you, you will be my ride or die. I will always stand by you at all times. Nothing can ever come in between us. I want to love you and keep you forever by my side.
18. You have filled my heart with the light of your love. The feelings of love that I have for you will last till a lifetime. I can’t spend a single moment without thinking about you. Please, give the love that I have for you the chance to flourish and you will never regret entrusting your heart to me.
19. I may not have popped the question before; but please, accept me to be a part of your life. Please, take care of yourself. I know am for you and you are the only one that I have.
20. I love you and I promise I will hold your hands tight in love till eternity. I may run out of words to tell you, but have it in mind that my love for you will grow and glow till eternity.
Deep Toasting Messages for Her
21. I will continue to chase you no matter how far you are from me. I have been so addicted to loving you in such a way that nothing can replace you in my heart. Please, open your heart and accept me and don’t keep me waiting for so long.
22. Baby, if you accept me to be a part of your life, I can’t wait to make memories worth a lifetime with you. I promise you that your heart will always desire to be with me.
23. Your voice is my favorite sound. I discovered that I have fallen in love with you when I can’t sleep without thinking about you. I want you to be mine forever because you have filled my heart and thought with your love.
24. I love you more than I can express or hope to express. I don’t need to know you for ages before knowing that you will be the right person for me. I’m here to always treat you like a Queen that you are. Please, say “yes” to me.
25. I’m in love with you not just with my lips but with my whole heart. Time can change, seasons can change, but my love for you will never change nor die. I hope you will fulfill my fantasies and dreams about love. I need you in my life now and forever.
26. Everything about you is true and real that’s why I can’t stop asking you to be my girlfriend. I will always love and cherish you. I promise to give you that peace of mind that you desire.
27. One million words will not be enough to describe all that I find attractive about you. I’m well convinced that your heart will be my resting place forever. I love you so much.
28. I will be the happiest man on earth if you will open your heart and welcome me to your world. Come on and walk with me let’s create the best love story of all times.
29. Love will mean nothing to me without you being a part of my life. I love your sense of humor and I’m sure that you will make me a happy man if we become lovers. Taking care of you is a duty that I will never fail yo do. I’m longing to hear you saying “yes” to me.
30. The first day that I set my eyes on you, I couldn’t take my eyes off you because everything in me made me to understand that you are my better half. I want you to be the only girl that I will live to love.
The best thing that can happen to a man is falling in love with the right person. Every girl will like to be treated and be sure that the person she is entrusting her heart to is the right person for her. Always use these Long Toasting Messages for her to toast that girl whom your heart desires.
Also Read; Love Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste with Emojis
Proposal Love Letter for Girlfriend/Propose Love Letter