Marriage is an institution that thrives well with better understanding between the husband and wife. There are important aspects of marriage which requires careful handling as improper management of such areas could make the marriage to hit the rock. Do not be surprised to hear the reasons why some couples have decided to go their separate ways. Christian couples should be aware of some of these areas like, intimacy, finance, communication and accountability. How to handle finances in a Christian Marriage is a topic that should be discussed by christian couples during dating/courtship. If it was never discussed at the early stage of the marriage, all hope is not lost as there is still room for such discussion.
Proper management of finance in marriage is important because it will help the couple achieve their goals and also meet up with their needs. It doesn’t end in earning an income, such income may make no meaning if it not well managed. Consider a scenario whereby a couple whose income may not be able to purchase a particular item, decides to be heavily indebted after purchasing such an item. No matter the level of income of both the husband and wife, they should know how to use it satisfy at least, their immediate needs.
In Genesis 2:24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall become one flesh.” When you realize that you are the same with your wife or husband, then resolution or settlement of issues becomes easier. This also means that everything that is is in the marriage belongs to the husband and wife with finance being inclusive.
How to Handle Finances in a Christian Marriage
1. Effective Communication between the couples
Effective Communication is very important in every marriage because it brings about a timely resolution to issues. Proper discussions should be held concerning every financial aspect of the home. There should be no source of income in the home that should be hidden. I know clearly of some couples whose financial details and accounts are fully accessible by each partner. This also brings about a high level of trust by the couples involved. The actual income of the husband should be known to the wife as well as that of the wife being made to the husband. The expenses arising in the course of running the home should be properly discussed.
2. A general family savings account is highly recommended
In as much as the husband and wife may have their own source of income which maybe payable to their personal accounts, there should be a joint account for handling the family’s expenses. Such expenses may include; paying for the children’s school fees, rent/housing, feeding, transportation and others. The amount to be contributed by each partner should equally be discussed.
3. There should be a monthly budget
One of the ways to manage finances in a Christian home is to create a monthly budget. This will allow the couples to avoid overspending and being heavily indebted. Think of a situation where things are being purchased in the home without checking the finance/money at hand of level of income in the marriage, it will get to a point where the family’s savings will run dry. A budget should be created taking into account the most pressing needs of the family first.
4. Consider Purchasing Items from cheaper sources
It is of no doubt that there are areas that places high price tag on their goods and products when compared to other areas. Carry out proper market survey to know the actual costs of the items that you need before purchasing it. It is also advisable to buy in bulk most especially non-perishable items. When pricing is allowed, you can make use of it to bring the prices of items down through bargaining.
5. Source Cheap Source of Labor
When you have the need for labour, look for where you will get laborers at a cheaper rate. Consider carrying out some minor labor with your partner, this can equally be a form of exercise for the both of you. For instance, instead of hiring the services of a cleaner for your home, you can set aside a day in a week or month depending on your schedule to do such a clean up. You have succeeded in saving some money and also have exercised through it.
6. Only go for luxury when you can comfortably afford it
Do not put yourself in a tight corner in your marriage trying to purchase things which you can not comfortably afford. What I mean by this is trying to purchase expensive things that will put you in a huge debt when there are substitutes. Remember, what you can’t comfortably afford today, you can be able to afford it tomorrow through hard work.
6. Before obtaining any loan, consider the interest rate
Don’t just jump into obtaining loans from financial institutions, take your time and calculate the level of interest of such loan over your intended payable period. The financial status of some families have been reduced to nothing after obtaining loans whose interests looks juicy at first sight. Such couples did not carry out careful analysis and calculations before taking such loans. Also, remember to take loans in the home when it is absolutely necessary. You can equally borrow from friends and relatives which may come without interest.
Making things work very well in a marriage is a collective effort of the husband and wife. The home will flourish very well if Finances are properly managed. It will help the couples avoid embarrassing debts, meet up with their expenses and needs and also be able to achieve every mapped out project. Try and see what will work best in your marriage in terms of handling finance. I believe you have benefitted from my article on “how to handle finances in a Christian Marriage.”
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