Life throws up some challenges, knowing how to navigate through these challenges will help you to emerge victorious and keep going. Our God is a God of love who is never tired of hearing our cry and granting our requests. When you are facing life challenges, communicate it to God through prayer. Ask Him to come and be your strength and your shield. Do not let your heart succumb to fear and doubt. You can also take consolation from the words of the Lord in the Bible. Psalm 27:1-5 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the path of righteousness for His namesake. Even though I walk, through the shadows of death, I fear no evil.”
Remembering that God is always with us will also boost our faith and confidence when we are being faced with trials and tribulations. God has constantly delivered His people who called upon Him in their time of want and your case will not be an exception. Here are prayers during trials and tribulations to help you conquer. Make God your confidant and friend, He will make all your heavy loads lighter for you. Pray with faith believing that your prayers have been answered.
Prayers During Trials and Tribulations to Help You Conquer
1. O Lord, grant your peace in my heart and grant me the strength to suppress every evil thought that wants to steal my joy. Clear before me every form of darkness. Through the night of doubt and sorrow, be thou my strength and my shield. Be by my side in this my troubling time so that I will emerge victorious. Amen.
2. Dear God, chase far way from me every form of gloom and terror. Brighten all the paths that I may tread my feet on. During my troubled moments, come and help me to conquer. Calm all the raging storms for my sake and help me to conquer at all times.
3. Almighty God, help me to step fearless against all odds. Revive my failing heart and inspire your unfailing hope in me. Even when all helpers fail me, do no fail me everlasting God. Destroy the banner of the enemies over my life and may your banner of love reign forever in my life. Vindicate me, O Lord and come to my life to calm this raging storm.
4. The Lord of my Life, the God of my salvation, hear and grant my supplication. Grant me your peace and help me to know the truth at all times. Lead me safely to the place where my heart will be at peace at all times.
5. The Lord of hosts, wage every war against my life. Do not allow me to cry for so long. Bless my longing eyes. Turn my nights of weeping into mornings of song of praises. In the midst of tribulations, grant me your peace everlasting.
6. May the Lord guide me constantly, even when the world is against me, bring me safely to your sight and grant me victory. Amen.
7. Lord Jesus, fill me with your words of mercy. Supply your words of life to me. Comfort my fainting heart. Draw me nearer where you are in my times of difficulty. Help me to know the truth and stick to it at all times. Cast away from me every form of evil desires and temptations that may come to lure my heart into sin.
8. Almighty God, be thou my anchor and my stay even when the wave comes hard at me. Impart in me your wisdom to believe in your teachings at all times. Help me to stand firm in my faith in you believing that only you can revive my dying heart. Amen
9. May the good Lord guide my footsteps, when my foes are near me, may His words cheer me and grant me victory. When dark clouds are over me and the storm wants to overtake me, grant me your light and joy now and forevermore.
10. O God, send your light to come and direct me, protect me in all my ways. Grant me your heavenly grace that will single me out even when I am surrounded by my enemies. When I am faced with calamities, may I remain unharmed now and forevermore.
11. May the Lord free my heart from bondage, lead me from this troubling phase of my life to where I will experience the light of His everlasting love. Be with me till darkness and cloud on my way disappears.
12. O God, accept my heart this day and make it your home. Set me apart and anoit me with your heavenly grace. Help me to always walk in your way and bind my heart to the truth. Make this journey easier for me by making me a conqueror in my battles.
13. Father Lord, I believe with you by my side, all my sorrow will vanish and you will grant me your everlasting rest. I am sure that you will always be near to help and bless me. Keep me standing even in my times of struggles so that I will always overcome.
14. O Lord, come near to relieve my heart of the burden that resides within me. Make my burden lighter for me. Bless my days and make me to be fruitful in all my dealings. Bring forth more good opportunities for me and may I live to enjoy the fruits of my labour. Amen.
15. Almighty God, descend from thy throne of grace and see my broken heart. Have mercy on me I ask of thee. May you hand support me still and lead me to the place where my soul will find rest.
16. My God, my Lord, may your light shine through my heart and burst every bond and set it free. Be near me O God so that no harm shall ever befall me.
17. O Lord, come near and make my terrors to cease. Help me to overcome in this my times of difficulty. Come quickly from above and write your new name upon my heart. Be my strength at all times because you are my all in all.
18. Leave me not alone O God in my times of trouble and struggle. Hide me till the storms of life pass me by. Cover my defenceless head with the shadow of thy wings and mark me untouchable from my enemies.
19. Almighty God, teach me how to pray in the midst of all the troubles and tribulations of life. Give me a pure and lowly heart that will always seek thy face.
20. Guide me through the rough ways O God. May my trust in you continue to deepen as the day goes by. Set a table for me in the presence of my enemies. Amen.
Trusting in God when faced with challenges gives rest of mind. Praying when faced with trials and tribulations will help to strengthen you. Do not give, hold onto God and His words for He is a God who do not abandon His chosen people.
Also Read; Prayer for my Husband During Difficult Times
Prayer for Anxiety, Fear and Worry