The goodness of the Lord in our lives is immense. He has constantly proved to also that He is with us at all times. The love that He has for His children was demonstrated when He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to the world to die for the atonement of our sins. God therefore deserves our praise. Acknowledge Him for the good things He has done for you. He is the creator and maker of all things, and just like the good shepherd, He is always leading and providing for His people. The way you make your prayer requests known to God should also be the way that you should praise. Praise him at all times, through songs and prayers. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Offer your prayers of gratitude and worship to thank God for everything He has done. God is the Almighty father who blesses us freely, He do not get tired of hearing and granting our supplications. Thank God for healing, protection, breakthrough, for the gift of life and all He has done for you. Communicate with Him freely through prayers, show your gratitude to God so that He will do more for you. 1 Chronicles 16:34 “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever.”
Prayers of Gratitude and Worship to Thank God for Everything
1. Thank you Lord for delivering me from the snares of the enemies that wants to devour me. You raised your banner high over my life and all my enemies bowed at the mention of your name. I will forever worship you because you are the Lord that never forsakes His chosen people. May all honour and adoration be unto your name now and forevermore.
2. O lord, thank you for shining your light of grace and mercy upon my life. I will forever serve, praise and worship you. I will dwell in you sight forever. Continue to strengthen me to trust, obey and believe in your words and promises. Thank you O God whose light of mercy shines all over the earth.
3. Father Lord, thank you for your mercy that endureth forever. Thank you for making my days fair to me. May I forever live in you glory and follow you day by day. I don’t know how to repay your goodness and love upon my life. I have given myself to thee to stay in your sight always. Be magnified now and forevermore.
4. Almighty God, Thank you for redeeming me with your love. Thank you for setting me far away from my enemies and granting me victory. All the days of my life, I will sing a song of praise and thanksgiving unto thee. I thank you for all the victory that I have gained. I will forever be grateful to you for clothing me with your armour of love.
5. I will praise and adore you my Lord, from whom all blessings flow. Thank you for keeping me safe and for refreshing me all through my days. May you continue to direct and control my days. Praise be unto your Holy name now and forevermore.
6. To you O Lord my song shall soar, I praise you for your love and power over my life. Thank you for showing your unending grace upon my life. For making my heavy load light for me, I will forever praise and worship you.
7. O Lord, thank you so much for feeding me and watering my land. Thank you for stretching forth your hands of mercy on me which has guarded me always. I will forever be grateful to you, my source and my maker.
8. I will raise my voice in thanksgiving to thee each day. Thank you for turning my sadness into gladness. Thank you for coming quickly to save my soul. I will forever lift up my heart unto thee.
9. Father Lord, I will with deep thanksgiving praise you for the blessing seen and unseen. Thank you for opening closed doors for my sake. I’m grateful you have set my soul free from all iniquities and sorrows. May all honour and adoration be unto your holy name.
10. O Lord, thank you for making my heart your dwelling place, thank you for making my heart to swell with joy and gladness. You have nurtured me with your words and made me to know the truth. Only you deserves all my praise, Almighty God.
11. Praise to you O Lord of my salvation. Thank you for sustaining and protecting me. Thank you for granting my heart desires. Where would I have been without you by my side? I will praise and adore you all the days of my life.
12. I will praise you with my heart, hand and voice for the wondrous things you have done in my life. Thank you for blessing me right from my mother’s womb and keeping me safe by your grace. Glory be to your name for the countless gifts that you have bestowed upon my me.
13. You are good indeed Almighty God who reigns on high. I will forever sing of your praises with a cheerful voice. Praise be unto your holy name the Lord whose mercies is eternal. I will forever be grateful to you.
14. Dear Lord, thank you for taking care of me just like the good shepherd that you are. I will enter your gates with songs of thanksgiving and praise. You are the Lord whose goodness never fails from ages to ages. Thank you for saving and redeeming my soul.
15. Day by day, I will proclaim your goodness upon my life. You are full of kindness and compassion. Thank you for not failing me and showering me with you love that surpassed all my earthly sorrows, Be magnified and exalted now and forevermore.
16. Praise to you O my God whose love reigns over my life. Joyfully, I will forever adore you, my saviour and my friend. Thank you for showing yourself strong during my difficult moments. I’m grateful for the grace and favour that I have received from you.
17. Dear Lord, thank you for your perfect gift which has changed my life. Thank you for hearing my cry and answering my prayer. You will forever be my God.
18. Almighty God, thank you for your miraculous healing upon my life. I’m grateful that you have transformed my sleepless nights into nights of gratitude.
19. A thousand words may not be able to express my gratitude to you Almighty God. Thank you for walking with me and granting me victory. Be praised now and forevermore.
20. Everlasting God, you have come through for me countless times that I wonder who I am that you are mindful of me. Thank you for blessing me more than I can imagine.
Give praise to the mighty God. Praise Him in His holiness and praise Him for all that He Has done. Praise Him in the morning, afternoon and night, give Him praise all the times. He deserves our prayers of gratitude and worship for everything He has done.
Also Read; Decree and Declare Prayers/Prayer Points – Make Your Declarations to God
Prayers During Trials and Tribulations to Help You Conquer