It was indeed a lovely sight as Nollywood actress, Dakore Egbuson, shared lovely pictures from her wedding anniversary outing. The couple got married in 2011 at Guiding Light Assembly, Ikoyi, Lagos. Their union is blessed with two children. According to her post, Dakore and her husband have known each other for 19 years and have been married for 15 years. The couple were all smiles as they shared a glimpse of their anniversary outing. Their table was well-decorated with a special cake and other food items for merriment.
Shr shared the lovely pictures with the caption; Celebrating 19 years of togetherness, 15 years of marriage with my Boo of life, what a journey it’s been, forever to go my love!!! Thank you God for truly being the third cord in our stand and mainstay, all glory be to you Oh God. Happy Anniversary to Us.
Their cute outfit for their anniversary outing is also highly admirable. Dakore could be seen rocking a turtle neck green long sleeve top with black wrapped leather Skirt and a heel boot to match. Olumide complemented her look with his white long sleeve shirt to match.
Check Out More of their Photos;
Happy Anniversary!
Photo Credit; Instagram