Goodbye Letter to Coworkers – There are some coworkers or colleagues whom you have become so attached to in a way that it seems that you can’t do without them. The announcement that such a coworker is going on a transfer or retirement always gets to your nerves. In a situation like this, all you need to do is to put yourself at peace knowing fully well that you can’t be with them forever. Some may have gotten better appointments or positions, others maybe to retire and take proper care of themselves.
Farewell Letters to your coworkers will act as a reminder for them to know how much you love and care for them. It may not be necessarily lengthy because few words can communicate your wishes and feelings to them. You need to write these goodbye letter to your coworker irrespective of his or her position in your company or organization. These letter can be sent through an E-mail, text message or any other means.
How to Write a Goodbye Letter to Coworkers
1. Let your coworker know how great it has been working with him or her. Mention some skills and talents possessed by your coworker that you find outstanding. Tell him or her to keep it up.
2. Make your wishes known to him or her. Pray for good things to continue to happen to your coworker who is leaving.
3. Remind your colleague that is leaving to always keep in touch, knowing fully well that out of sight is not out of mind. Also, your paths can equally cross other times.
4. Say your concluding farewell to Coworker.
Note; Where you see “Dear Coworker or Colleague” insert the name of your coworker or Colleague
Goodbye Letter to Coworkers
1. You are the best coworker that I have worked with
Dear Coworker,
I was really short of words when I heard the news that you were leaving our organization. You may not understand how much you have positively impacted in my life. At times, I wonder why you are such nice to me. You make me look forward to coming to work each day. Thanks so much for your generosity towards me. I have known you as a hardworking person and I’m well convinced that you will be highly reckoned wherever you go. My prayer for you is that the odds will be in your favor wherever you go. I will continue to keep in touch with you. You are the best coworker that I have worked with. Its too hard for me to say goodbye.
2. You will continue to shine bright like a Diamond
Dear Colleague,
You have been someone who makes this job looks easy to me. Your words of motivation and encouragement is among the things that have kept me going. I can’t forget your reassuring words “you can do it” each time I feel like a task is too big for me to handle. Where do I start? Your captivating smile forces me to put on a smile too. I will indeed, miss you. If it’s possible, I will like to continue working wherever you are. However, I know you are leaving for good. May you be highly favored in all your dealings. You will continue to shine bright like a Diamond. Goodbye my Lovely Coworker.
3. You maybe out of my sight, but you can never be out of my mind
Dear Coworker,
I have been “sick” since you told me that you will be retiring. You are such a great mentor that I will never forget easily. Your meritorious service to this organization will continue to speak for you. I am glad that you are retiring in good health, and as such, you will continue to remain in good health. You are just going to rest and enjoy the rest of your life to the fullest. What amazes me more about you is how energetic you were till your retirement day. My prayer for you is that you will continue to flourish and no harm shall ever befall you. I will still keep in touch with you. Out of sight is not out of mind.
4. Congratulations as you move to a higher level
Dear Coworker,
One of the things that calmed my troubled heart about your leaving is realizing that you are moving to a higher level. Yes, I will miss you but I’m happy that you have finally gotten what you’ve been longing for. The vacuum that your absence will create in our office can never be filled by any. Your humorous nature that makes me to forget about my pains, I want to thank you of. I believe this is just the beginning, you will continue to climb up the ladder and unstoppable you will forever remain. Do not forget your coworkers as I will equally contact you from time to time. Congratulations as you move to a higher level.
5. Goodbye to a Smart and intelligent coworker
Dear Coworker,
I have been having sleepless nights since I heard that you are living our firm. You have always been a problem solver that makes me wonder whom else can perform your roles effectively. Your great principles that you always abide with that yields great results, I will never forget. I am well convinced that your light will continue shine wherever you go. May nothing stop you from getting to the top. Goodbye to a smart and intelligent coworker.
6. I will miss you, great team leader
Dear Colleague,
It has never crossed my mind that one day I will be saying goodbye to you. I have benefitted from your exceptional attributes that I look forward to working with you everyday. You have taught me how to lead a group successfully irrespective of diversities. You are indeed a legend. Your absence will be felt in all the units in our organization due to your wealth of knowledge. It is good to grow, and that’s what gladdens my heart on hearing that you are moving to a bigger organization. You indeed deserves the best. May you keep on being that strong and courageous worker that you have always been. I will miss you, great team leader.
7. Goodbye to a Coworker with a difference
Dear Coworker,
My heart is heavy knowing that I will be missing your wonderful company. I have learnt a lot from you during the few years that you’ve spent in this organization. You have so many admirable qualities that makes me feel “jealous” of you. The way that you handles your job and other issues with ease challenges me. You are indeed, very outstanding. I am well convinced that you will achieve a lot with all the great qualities that you posses. I wish you all the best in all your endeavors. Goodbye to a coworker with a difference.
Goodbye Letter to Coworkers contains the right words to use when you want to communicate your feelings for your coworker who is leaving. Whenever you send such a message to him or her, remember that you are building an everlasting relationship with such a person.
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