Happy International Men’s day to the wonderful men all over the world. Thanks for your positive contributions to the world at large. International Men’s day is celebrated on November 19. It is a day to celebrate the men for their great contributions and achievements to the society while also reminding them of the tasks ahead and how they can scale through. Today, I want to remind you that you should continue to work according to God’s Agenda for you. God created the first man, Adam to be the head of the family knowing fully his capacity in piloting this task.
God designed the men not only to be in relationship with him but also to help fulfill His purposes in His great plan for humanity. Therefore, men are designed by God to execute the assignment that can only be fulfilled by men. Men, indeed deserves to be celebrated everyday because of their undisputable roles to the society at large.
Dear Men, Continue to Work in God’s Agenda
Make Yourself Available for God to Use you
A world without a man is unthinkable. No matter the challenges that are confronted by men everyday and also no matter how toxic the environment may seem to be, continue to make yourself available for God to use you, yield yourself for the work of the Lord, keep yourself holy and live a godly life.
Your Character Should be Worthy of Emulation
Live an exemplary life bearing in mind that you’re like a shepherd with some sheep entrusted into your care. When they shepherd goes astray, the sheep will also go astray. As the head of the family, your character should be worthy of emulation knowing fully well that those under you are emulating and taking note of every of your move and action.
Be a good Mentor
Remember to make out time to mentor those that God brings to you. Make positive impacts into their lives. Every man has the power to influence lives around him either consciously or unconsciously. It is important that you live a life full of positivity so that those tied to your loins could be ushered into you destinies through you influence. You have the power to influence your generation and other generations to come.
Lead with the fear of God
Try to be the ambassador of Christ wherever you find yourself. If you’re a leader, lead with passion and the fear of God. Do not be found far away from where truth is being spoken. Don’t suppress the oppressed. You have the power to shape the world with your positive influence wherever you find yourself.
Many men in the scriptures can be said to be men that worked in God’s Agenda.
- Abraham, father of faith obeyed God’s call.(Genesis 12).
- Moses led the Israelites out of slavery and also received the ten commandments (Exodus 3-4).
- David who was the King of Israel established Jerusalem as the capital (1 Samuel 16).
- Isaiah prophesied about the coming of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53).
- John the Baptist prepared the way for the coming of Jesus (Mathew 3).
- Paul spread Christianity to the Gentiles (Acts 9).
- Peter the leader of the early Church preached the gospel on the Pentecost (Acts 2).
These men and other men in the scriptures did a lot of commendable work. The work of God is continuous and does not stop and so it is not too late for you to start working according to God’s Agenda if you haven’t started.
Be ready to protect and stand for your family
A man should always be like a superhero who is ready to always stand up for his family and the society at large. A lot of things have been entrusted into your hand and it is your duty to protect and take care of them. To the married men, always try to fulfill the requirements of your family. Love your family, direct and instruct you children in a godly manner. Love your wife just the way that God loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to die for the atonement of the sins if the world. The family is the breeding ground of various characters in the society, therefore, do not overlook your family.
Always be Prayerful
Being prayerful is a great tool which will help men conquer the trials and tribulations of life. Listen to the voice of God in every situation. Jesus prayed in every situation. He taught us how to pray. Try to make prayer your watchword at all times because the devil is always looking for souls, homes and marriages to devour. Always remember the place of prayer even when challenges seems to overtake you.
Repent of your sins and obey God’s words
Be watchful, obey God and repent of your sins. Be careful in your life and set your affections on things above, not on the things on earth which will pass away. Even still in the world of sin, you can make a difference. Jesus Christ defeated Satan by his death on the cross, but He is also aware that Satan and his demons are still given freedom to rule the world and tempt all believers. The secret of victory over sin and the devil is to watch and pray. When you do not do this, you will become frustrated, defeated and angry. To shine in the dark world, you need to open your spiritual eyes and pray appropriately.
Practice Self-control
Men, try to possess a new leaf of self control, love, faith, endurance, truthfulness, leniency and most importantly integrity. Humble yourself before all and be like Christ. Be spiritually alert being aware of your surrounding realities.
As you continue to walk with God, He will give you the strength to go through the toils and keep going. Great men shape the world. I’m happy that most men are striving so hard to not only inherit the earth, but to inherit the kingdom of God at last.
Happy International Men’s day to men all over the world!